Self-isolation exemptions for critical workers

The Government has announced that fully vaccinated critical workers will be able to leave self-isolation in "exceptional circumstances".

Self-isolation exemptions for critical workers

21 July 2021

The Government has announced that fully vaccinated critical workers will be able to leave self-isolation in “exceptional circumstances”.

The Cabinet Office and Department of Health and Social Care press release states that, in exceptional circumstances where there would otherwise be a major detrimental impact on essential services “a limited number of critical workers may be informed by their employer, following advice from the relevant government department, that they may be able to leave self-isolation to attend work.”

Decisions to inform employers that designated critical workers may have a reasonable excuse to attend work will be made by the relevant department with responsibility for the critical service.

The exemption is not related to the NHS COVID app, the use of which remains voluntary and those “pinged” by the app are advised, but not legally obliged, to self-isolate for 10 days.

In order for the BDIA to better understand and communicate the consequences of staff self-isolation, we are asking members to send any information regarding the impact of these measures on their businesses and the implications for the continuity of supply of dental products and services. Any members wishing to submit information on a confidential basis can contact Adam Stanley on 


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