SDCEP resource on ventilation for dentistry
05 May 2021
The Scottish Dental Clinical Effectiveness Programme (SDCEP) has compiled a summary of currently available information on ventilation, with a focus on advice and information that has relevance for dental facilities.
This document is provided for information and is not guidance. It has been compiled from several key publicly available documents developed by other organisations and expert groups, including the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE) Environmental and Modelling group (EMG) and NHS National Services for Scotland (NSS). This resource was developed with input from expert members of the SDCEP Mitigation of Aerosol Generating Procedures in Dentistry – A Rapid Review Working Group, and end-users. The information is presented under the following headings:
- Why is ventilation important?
- What is the difference between ventilation, air cleaners, extraoral suction and air conditioning?
- What types of building ventilation are used in dental surgeries?
- What are the requirements for ventilation in dental settings?
- What is the air change rate in my surgery?
- How does the ACH relate to post-AGP fallow time?
- How can I improve the ventilation in my surgery?
- Will an air cleaner help?