Michel Barnier responds to the BDIA

In mid-October the Association received a response from the office of EU Brexit Chief Negotiator, Michel Barnier, to the joint BDIA-ADDE letter on post-Brexit dental device regulation.

Michel Barnier responds to the BDIA

25 October 2018

In mid-October the Association received a response from the office of EU Brexit Chief Negotiator, Michel Barnier, to the joint BDIA-ADDE letter on post-Brexit dental device regulation. Unsurprisingly, Mr. Barnier’s letter takes a very European stance on post-Brexit regulatory affairs, saying that nothing will change for Member States trading within the EU/EEA and that manufacturers supplying the EU should transfer to Notified Bodies in the EU – 27. The letter also refers to EU policy to wish to keep the UK as a ‘close partner’ in the future but precludes any ‘sector-by sector’ participation in the Single Market and strongly emphasises that a post-Brexit UK cannot have the same rights as any of the EU-27. In short, he repeats the fundamental negotiating position of the EU.

Read the full letter here.

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