Brexit ‘meaningful vote’

With a Brexit ‘Deal’ and ‘Political Declaration’ agreed in Brussel the onus is now on the UK to take the next steps, with Parliament scrutinising the detail and having its ‘meaningful vote’ on or...

Brexit ‘meaningful vote’

27 November 2018

With a Brexit ‘Deal’ and ‘Political Declaration’ agreed in Brussel the onus is now on the UK to take the next steps, with Parliament scrutinising the detail and having its ‘meaningful vote’ on or around 12th December.

The Prime Minister appears to be adopting diverse tactics to garner support for the ‘deal’ and maintain its progress, despite vocal opposition from many corners.

Thanks to the BBC for this very clear diagram outlining the options now available. The options do seem to be narrowing, with the EU apparently in no mood for further negotiation, Parliament seemingly agreeing on one thing – no ‘No-deal’ and a general distaste amongst the Conservatives to force a general election. Interesting times! What we can, however, discern from elements of the ‘deal’ and ‘Political Declaration’ is that some of the proposals would at least bring some shorter term, at least for the next few years, continuity and stability to the trade in medical and dental devices and give economic operators longer to evolve into new systems and operations going forwards.


For further information, follow the links below:

Brexit explainer

Brexit slide pack


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